Adapt or Fall Behind!
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The Ownership Factor
Businesses across the country look to Spencer as an enthusiastic, insightful source for counsel and advice on developing productive and focused corporate cultures.
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Spencer horn
We create high-performance teams! When your teams work and perform to your standards, life is wonderful!
Your presence and enlightening words inspired so many people. It was quite apparent how every single person at the Conference and Workshop was captivated by your talk. Our 5th Project Management Conference was a huge success, and you played a significant role in this. There is so much more to learn from your knowledge and experience, and I look forward to our next interaction within 2022.
I booked Spencer Horn for his delegation and coaching topic and it was a huge hit with my members. They all agreed with one member’s comment “I wish I would have learned this earlier in my career.” When I asked if anyone would be interested in having a follow up for their teams it was unanimous and we ended up with 85 attendees in a follow up conference. One attendee responded that it was the best training seminar they had ever attended. I have been bringing in speakers for my members for 10 years. That’s almost 100 total speakers and we have only brought back 2 for a follow up session.
Spencer has a magnitude of energy no matter what time of the day you speak to him. He is insightful and passionate about coaching. I have worked with Spencer for a few months, starting at NYSSCPAs Leadership Institute and 10 weeks of one on one sessions. What I have received from Spencer in 10 weeks has been tools and tips to organized my life, self-identified strengths and how to capitalize on them, and techniques to complete the tasks I find most difficult.
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