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The Importance of Values

I have always believed in having values. Values are the ideals, customs, institutions, etc., of a society toward which the people of the group feel are important such as cleanliness, freedom, respect, service, integrity or education. Unlike belief systems, which I believe must be regularly examined and updated, I believe values must remain constant if […]

Face Your Fears

I know everyone has challenges. Some of us may be struggling with fears about loved ones who are sick. Perhaps we are having relationship, emotional or financial challenges. Maybe you are concerned about your job security or you are afraid that you are not having the results you deserve. During these difficult times it is […]

Living at Cause

April 8th, 2011 Today I received an email from a friend who I had spoken to about a year ago about the importance of living at cause. He wrote: “The transition to living in cause is full of surprises and continues everyday. I often think of the moment when you pulled me aside and “warned” […]

My Emotional Intelligence Experiment

In my job, I help organizations and individuals everyday to develop behaviors that will create optimum results. In my conversations with clients, the topic of emotional intelligence (EQ) comes up a great deal. Over the last decade, emotional intelligence has proven to be a commodity that leaders are looking to increase in themselves and their […]

Creating a Sense of Urgency!

Considered one of the most difficult steps in achieving a positive work culture, creating a sense of urgency is imperative right now to leading your workforce and staying ahead of a changing work climate. Click the link below and listen to the podcast as I explain how to begin creating urgency and the positive impact it will have within your workplace.

The Benefits of Investing in Human Capital

Business executives are always asking training professionals to justify investing in internal and external training. These decision makers want to understand the return on investment (ROI) as they might with a new software program or a marketing campaign. Many also ask why leadership training? There is enough data available on training, including data on Rapport’s […]

Seize the Moment!

Everyone has the potential to be a leader. The word “leader” is derived from Greek and Latin words which mean “to act”. Leadership is not about title or rank, it is about the ability to act and “impact”. You have choices how to exercise your leadership.

Each of our lives is like the vast unchartered Louisiana Territory of leadership. We have many choices: We can stay safely in “St. Louis” and enjoy vicariously the adventures that lie beyond the horizon; we can venture out, but stick to the easy trails; However, if we want real adventure and if we want to make a real impact, we must do with our life’s leadership opportunities what Lewis and Clark did in the Louisiana Territory-get “lost” in order to “find” our dreams.

5 Suggestions to Achieve Your Dreams

Suggestions to achieve your dreams: 1. Have a big vision for your life. 2. Be teachable and teach others. 3. Be willing to fail. 4. Focus on what is important. 5. Do what you fear. Themes: Vision, achievement, self-development