The Color of Success

I learned the color of success on my first trip to Bali, Indonesia. The magical color of success is gray. My wife and I landed in Bali after speaking at conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I had just given a keynote titled, “Flexible Authenticity”. When we arrived in Bali, we noticed the three colors of black, […]

Finding Strength in Your Weakness

I would like to argue against the theory that leaders benefit when they only utilize their strengths and surround themselves with people who have different strengths. Here are examples of that theory: “Employees are happiest when they can utilize their strengths every day at work.” Authors Tom Rath and Barry Conchie argue, “If you spend […]

People Not Performing? Look In The Mirror

Managers love their people to perform according to their expectations. But are your employees delivering the way you desire them to? Or are they behaving the way you allow them to? Do you allow your meetings to start late? Do you allow your direct reports to interrupt you without a scheduled meeting for non-emergencies? Do […]

How To Solve More Problems As A Leader

7 Steps For A More Productive Team One of the problems I see with leaders is they solve too many problems. Wait…you just said this article is about solving MORE problems, not that I am solving too many! That is right. Sometimes we get so solution oriented, and so bottom-line obsessed, we actually make more […]

Why Employees Don’t Do What You Hired Them To Do

Learn six non-effective and six effective responses. In my experience, most employees join your company with enthusiasm and they have a desire to contribute and make a difference. They certainly don’t start working with you to cause problems and become less and less productive until they leave or you ask them to leave. So why […]

How To Get Your People To Change Today

I talk to executives almost daily about problems they have with their employees. Employees seem to do what they want to do. In a few cases it is defiance. In most cases these problems are caused by a lack of effective leadership. Many managers have no idea how train, mentor, and motivate their people to […]

How Asking Questions Strengthens Your Team

Effective Questions Help You Motivate, Coach, Mentor, Challenge, Engage, Discover, Understand and Improve So often leaders feel they need to tell their employees what to do and answer all their questions. This can cause them to miss valuable opportunities to help teach and develop their people. By asking your people to come up with their own […]

Sharpen Emotional Intelligence By Observing Others

My Emotional Intelligence Experiment One strategy to increase emotional intelligence is to observe behavior in other people. I have found two places that I enjoy watching behaviors in people. One is in films and the other is at airports. Movies and television are a good place for me to identify behaviors that I recognize in […]