How To Solve More Problems As A Leader

7 Steps For A More Productive Team One of the problems I see with leaders is they solve too many problems. Wait…you just said this article is about solving MORE problems, not that I am solving too many! That is right. Sometimes we get so solution oriented, and so bottom-line obsessed, we actually make more […]

Leadership Is About Impact Not Intention

Throw Your Good Intentions Out With The Trash And Focus On Your Impact I became interested in emotional intelligence because I wanted to understand how I could be more effective at creating positive relationships for better results in my business and personal life. I wanted to be more aware of the ways I was sabotaging […]

How To Improve Your Leadership Under Pressure

Have you ever lost your cool in way that had negative consequences? Have you ever read/misread a comment from a subordinate and completely over-reacted in your immediate response? Have you ever sent and email meticulously expressing your indignation in response to a co-workers email or actions only to regret it later? I have. In most […]

Is The Fundamental Attribution Error Destroying Your Team?

Learn How You May Be Destroying Trust on Your Team and Five Steps To Strengthen Your Team. Often, we judge ourselves and our actions by our intentions, rather than our impact. However, we judge others by what we believe their intentions to be and their impact. This double standard for judgment is a problem. As a leader you […]

One Reason We Struggle With Emotional Intelligence And What To Do About It

I became interested in emotional intelligence for several reasons: I have been an executive for over 26 years. In that time, I noticed reoccurring behavior patterns in myself and in those I worked with, that were getting in our way. I have been married for 31 years and I have become aware that my need […]

What Sets You Off?

My Emotional Intelligence Experiment So what is it that sets you off? Becoming aware of what your triggers are, or what pushes your buttons is a great way to increase your emotional intelligence. We all have something or someone who drives us crazy. One of my triggers is, when someone tells me to “calm down”. […]