How To Beat The Odds of Quitters Day

Many of us began the new decade with resolve to be better, eat healthier, use time more wisely, be more present, save more, earn more, achieve more, experience more. If you are like me, you were full of conviction the first week in January. However, it is my experience as an executive coach, many of us […]
Collaborating With a Difficult Peer.

I recently spoke at an International conference in Europe including a daylong workshop about communication and delegation. One of the participants asked to meet me for dinner to discuss a difficult co-worker. He is a manager and spoke to me about a peer that often fails to deliver commitments on time, thus affecting this mangers ability to […]
The Promise of High Performing Teams
Why do we hear so much about the importance of teamwork and high performing teams? UCLA Coach John Wooden won a record 10 NCAA basketball championships because he focused on the basic fundamentals that make a team great. He didn’t care how talented a player was. He understood we could accomplish so much more as […]
The Power of Accountability
5 Steps to Achieve the Outcomes You Desire Through Greater Responsibility There is great power in being accountable, which means being responsible or answerable, to yourself, your family, your employees, your employer, your faith, your cause, etc. In this article accountability and responsibility are interchangeable. Being accountable will help you be more fulfilled at work […]
Disengagement And The “Love What You Do” Myth
5 Dynamics of Increased Engagement I am not sure how many times I have heard the saying, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” (Marc Anthony) If you are like me, you have heard this or something like it a bunch. When I heard this, I felt inspired to […]
Cure For The CEO Disease
4 Steps To Overcome CEO Behaviors That Erode Culture Do you know a CEO or top executive that is unaware of their impact or overestimates their abilities? Leaders who are out of touch with the truth about how they “show up” is all too common. This phenomenon is what Daniel Goleman calls the “CEO disease”. […]
Is Happiness A Choice?
I have heard that events that happen to us in life are neither “good” nor “bad”. These are only titles we choose to assign to how we feel about things that happen to us. Further, I have learned that our happiness depends on our assignment of the “good”or “bad” titles we apply to these events […]
Living at Cause
April 8th, 2011 Today I received an email from a friend who I had spoken to about a year ago about the importance of living at cause. He wrote: “The transition to living in cause is full of surprises and continues everyday. I often think of the moment when you pulled me aside and “warned” […]