The One Skill Executives Struggle With Most

I have been coaching senior executives for 14 years. The skill I spend the most time helping leaders develop is delegation. It is my most requested topic by CEO peer groups. In my presentation I refer to the work of William Oncken, “Time Management Who’s Got the Monkey.” In these scenarios, monkeys represents important tasks. […]

Collaborating With a Difficult Peer.

I recently spoke at an International conference in Europe including a daylong workshop about communication and delegation. One of the participants asked to meet me for dinner to discuss a difficult co-worker. He is a manager and spoke to me about a peer that often fails to deliver commitments on time, thus affecting this mangers ability to […]

Magnify Your Reputation

How To Measure Your Brand Reputation Each of us has a brand. We may not even be aware of it. Your brand is what you stand for; it is your reputation. Your brand is influenced by your online activity. However, it is much more than your digital footprint or online presence. Your brand is not […]

How Asking Questions Strengthens Your Team

Effective Questions Help You Motivate, Coach, Mentor, Challenge, Engage, Discover, Understand and Improve So often leaders feel they need to tell their employees what to do and answer all their questions. This can cause them to miss valuable opportunities to help teach and develop their people. By asking your people to come up with their own […]