Love What You Do!
If you love your job, you are in the minority. With happiness at a 50-year low, many people are looking for more. It is possible to love what you do no matter what that is. There are doctors who love what they do and others that hate it. There are administrative assistants who hate what […]
Act As If…Today!!!
Experience the fulfillment and happiness of achieving your future goals, your new year’s resolutions TODAY! Over the years I have learned a principle of success called “act as if”. Believe, think, act, dress, talk and feel like someone who has already achieved success. The idea is to begin to program your subconscious to find ways […]
10 Ideas For Your Pursuit of Happiness
If you are like most of us on the planet, you are searching for happiness in your life. Where do you believe we find happiness: fame, riches, power? Do you know someone that has these things and is not happy? Or conversely has none of these things and is supremely happy? I believe that each […]