The Color of Success

I learned the color of success on my first trip to Bali, Indonesia. The magical color of success is gray. My wife and I landed in Bali after speaking at conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I had just given a keynote titled, “Flexible Authenticity”. When we arrived in Bali, we noticed the three colors of black, […]

A Surprise to Remember…

…My Delightful Experience of the Unexpected When was the last time you were surprised and delighted? When do you dwell on what makes you happy and grateful? Living in today’s world is exhausting and draining for many. The news reports distressing and depressing stories from all around the world in a non-stop 24-hour cycle. The […]

The One Skill Executives Struggle With Most

I have been coaching senior executives for 14 years. The skill I spend the most time helping leaders develop is delegation. It is my most requested topic by CEO peer groups. In my presentation I refer to the work of William Oncken, “Time Management Who’s Got the Monkey.” In these scenarios, monkeys represents important tasks. […]

How To Make Yourself Instantly More Valuable

The current unemployment rate in the U.S. is 4.2%, 6.2% in Canada, 4.3% in the U.K., and 5.5% in Australia. Employment is considered to be at “full-employment” when the unemployment rate is at 6%. At this level, most people who want to work, have a job. At 4.2% unemployment in the U.S., companies are struggling […]

Start Beating Yourself Up!

The Only Person You Need To beat Is Yourself The cries of “my mommy beats me!” could be heard throughout the student-housing complex. The mother of the shrieking three year old was hoping in vain that none of the neighbors heard. She didn’t want to get a call from child protective services. If you didn’t […]

One Reason We Struggle With Emotional Intelligence And What To Do About It

I became interested in emotional intelligence for several reasons: I have been an executive for over 26 years. In that time, I noticed reoccurring behavior patterns in myself and in those I worked with, that were getting in our way. I have been married for 31 years and I have become aware that my need […]

The Power of Accountability

5 Steps to Achieve the Outcomes You Desire Through Greater Responsibility There is great power in being accountable, which means being responsible or answerable, to yourself, your family, your employees, your employer, your faith, your cause, etc. In this article accountability and responsibility are interchangeable. Being accountable will help you be more fulfilled at work […]

When Being Too Smart Hurts You

Is being too smart getting in your way of being more effective as a leader? In his article “Leadership that Gets Results” (Harvard Business Review, March-April, 2000), Daniel Goleman reported on studies, which rated emotional intelligence as a predictor of success in business as more significant than intelligence and technical skill. He states, “New research suggests […]

Disengagement And The “Love What You Do” Myth

5 Dynamics of Increased Engagement I am not sure how many times I have heard the saying, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” (Marc Anthony) If you are like me, you have heard this or something like it a bunch. When I heard this, I felt inspired to […]

Cure For The CEO Disease

4 Steps To Overcome CEO Behaviors That Erode Culture Do you know a CEO or top executive that is unaware of their impact or overestimates their abilities? Leaders who are out of touch with the truth about how they “show up” is all too common. This phenomenon is what Daniel Goleman calls the “CEO disease”. […]