The Color of Success

I learned the color of success on my first trip to Bali, Indonesia. The magical color of success is gray. My wife and I landed in Bali after speaking at conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I had just given a keynote titled, “Flexible Authenticity”. When we arrived in Bali, we noticed the three colors of black, […]

Finding Strength in Your Weakness

I would like to argue against the theory that leaders benefit when they only utilize their strengths and surround themselves with people who have different strengths. Here are examples of that theory: “Employees are happiest when they can utilize their strengths every day at work.” Authors Tom Rath and Barry Conchie argue, “If you spend […]

Pause…Enjoy Magic!

Have you noticed people often seem frustrated, anxious, and quick to anger these days? Maybe you have been on the receiving end of bad behavior, or maybe you have been the one sharing your frustration? With worldwide pandemics, economic uncertainty, political and ideological battles, and worse, warfare, it is no wonder so many are on […]

The Truth About Authentic Leadership

People regularly worry about the implications of their behavioral profile and tendencies. They say, “give me the bad news.” Very often I get asked what is the best leadership style? I am a licensed behavior analyst and I have interpreted thousands of surveys over the years. It has been my experience that every style has […]

Collaborating With a Difficult Peer.

I recently spoke at an International conference in Europe including a daylong workshop about communication and delegation. One of the participants asked to meet me for dinner to discuss a difficult co-worker. He is a manager and spoke to me about a peer that often fails to deliver commitments on time, thus affecting this mangers ability to […]

Magnify Your Reputation

How To Measure Your Brand Reputation Each of us has a brand. We may not even be aware of it. Your brand is what you stand for; it is your reputation. Your brand is influenced by your online activity. However, it is much more than your digital footprint or online presence. Your brand is not […]

How To Make A Stronger Impression

One thing you are doing is hurting your efforts to make a strong impression in sales, networking, or job hunting. This one simple change will improve your approach. Have you ever wanted to make a stronger impression? Either during a job interview, landing a new account, on a first date, making a speech or presentation […]

When Being Too Smart Hurts You

Is being too smart getting in your way of being more effective as a leader? In his article “Leadership that Gets Results” (Harvard Business Review, March-April, 2000), Daniel Goleman reported on studies, which rated emotional intelligence as a predictor of success in business as more significant than intelligence and technical skill. He states, “New research suggests […]

Silence Your Saboteur!

Learn How We Derail Our Goals And Steps To Get Back On Track Several years ago I had the opportunity to work with a personal coach. I learned how I (and others) self-sabotage when working towards our goals. In my initial meetings through various processes, my coach discovered my values and goals in several areas […]

Sharpen Emotional Intelligence By Observing Others

My Emotional Intelligence Experiment One strategy to increase emotional intelligence is to observe behavior in other people. I have found two places that I enjoy watching behaviors in people. One is in films and the other is at airports. Movies and television are a good place for me to identify behaviors that I recognize in […]