A Surprise to Remember…

…My Delightful Experience of the Unexpected When was the last time you were surprised and delighted? When do you dwell on what makes you happy and grateful? Living in today’s world is exhausting and draining for many. The news reports distressing and depressing stories from all around the world in a non-stop 24-hour cycle. The […]
The Promise of High Performing Teams

Why do we hear so much about the importance of teamwork and high performing teams? UCLA Coach John Wooden won a record 10 NCAA basketball championships because he focused on the basic fundamentals that make a team great. He didn’t care how talented a player was. He understood we could accomplish so much more as […]
Increase Your Effectiveness As A Leader With Perception Science
4 Tips To Understanding and Using Perception Science To Be A More Effective Leader Anyone who has been in leadership knows that people seem to interpret things differently. Even though we all may be looking at a set of facts, have the same knowledge in a situation, they come to different conclusions about how to solve […]