Recently I was a student of Spencer Horn’s Communicate with Impact and Lead with Impact classes. I have been in customer relations/marketing and communication for almost 30 years. About 15-years ago I was a student in a marketing class when the instructor explained that he had traveled the world speaking to many prominent world leaders. Throughout the instructor’s travels he discovered that the common problem amongst world leaders was the lack of communication- with the problem ever increasing. This problem exists more so today and is far more prominent. With the lack of communication, how do you accomplish any sort of conflict resolution? We spend two to three seconds interacting in videos. And yet violence across the globe is worse now than ever. Spencer Horn’s class taught me that we are all different in our styles of communication with the best-known explanation due to our experiences. Now I won’t give away everything I learned- you will need to take the class. I will just say that how I approach a conversation these days is with a lot more patience- AND exercising my commitment, because of Spencer’s class to “practice the pause”. Thank you, Spencer Horn for changing my perspective on how I approach a conversation- not everyone speaks my language.