How to Motivate Your Team for Maximum Results

I assume you want to be happy in your work and your life. I have found that one of the greatest sources of happiness in my life come when I recognize, motivate, and encourage my relationships. How you deliver a message is more important than the message itself. How many times in your life have […]

Pause…Enjoy Magic!

Have you noticed people often seem frustrated, anxious, and quick to anger these days? Maybe you have been on the receiving end of bad behavior, or maybe you have been the one sharing your frustration? With worldwide pandemics, economic uncertainty, political and ideological battles, and worse, warfare, it is no wonder so many are on […]

How To Make Yourself Instantly More Valuable

The current unemployment rate in the U.S. is 4.2%, 6.2% in Canada, 4.3% in the U.K., and 5.5% in Australia. Employment is considered to be at “full-employment” when the unemployment rate is at 6%. At this level, most people who want to work, have a job. At 4.2% unemployment in the U.S., companies are struggling […]

How To Make A Stronger Impression

One thing you are doing is hurting your efforts to make a strong impression in sales, networking, or job hunting. This one simple change will improve your approach. Have you ever wanted to make a stronger impression? Either during a job interview, landing a new account, on a first date, making a speech or presentation […]

How Asking Questions Strengthens Your Team

Effective Questions Help You Motivate, Coach, Mentor, Challenge, Engage, Discover, Understand and Improve So often leaders feel they need to tell their employees what to do and answer all their questions. This can cause them to miss valuable opportunities to help teach and develop their people. By asking your people to come up with their own […]

10 Stress Reducing Habits

Healthy habits can protect you from the harmful effects of stress. Here are 10 positive healthy habits you may want to develop. Talk with family and friends. A daily dose of friendship is great medicine. Call or write your friends and family to share your feelings, hopes and joys. Engage in daily physical activity. Regular […]