I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving up on your valuable time and your busy schedule, traveling during such difficult times around the world to be our main speaker at our 5th Project Management Conference.
It was a great pleasure to hear you talk about “Effective delegation and coaching skills for busy leaders” during our exclusive workshops with our Sponsor’s and as well as “Learning new techniques that will help us increase our confidence to help achieve better business results” and “Learn how to unleash the power to achieve desired change and goals that will commit to take ownerships of our outcomes” during the opening and closing sessions of our Conference. It was quite apparent how every single person at the Conference and Workshop was captivated by your talk.
Your presence and enlightening words inspired so many people. Our 5th Project Management Conference was a huge success, and you played a significant role in this. There is so much more to learn from your knowledge and experience, and I look forward to our next interaction within 2022. Wishing you great health and success with all your future endeavors.